Theatrical L’Ascension Production : DACP Directed by Ludovic Bernard Broadcast : Theatrical Picture Post-production Sound Post-production Delivery to broadcasters
Nous finirons ensemble
Theatrical Nous finirons ensemble Production : Les Productions du Trésor Directed by Guillaume Canet Broadcast : Theatrical Picture Post-production Sound post-production Delivery to broadcasters
Theatrical LUCY Production : EuropaCorp Directed by Luc Besson Diffusion : Theatrical Picture Post-production Sound Post-production Delivery to broadcasters
Theatrical Boomerang Production : Nolita Télévision Directed by Christian François Broadcast : TV Film Picture Post-production Sound Post-production Delivery to broadcasters
Theatrical Dogman Production : LB Production Directed by Luc Besson Broadcast : Theatrical Picture Post-production Sound Post-production
Frère et soeur
Theatrical Frère et Soeur Production : Why Not Productions Directed by Arnaud Desplechin Broadcast : Theatrical Sound Post-production